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产品名称:BeeProg通用型编程器 上传时间:2008-12-10 17:07:29
产品价格:8500元/台 点击次数:1392
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■来自欧州的第一品牌编程器           ■支持 48 Pin 万用驱动 , 软件免费更新下载
■三年质量保证,无后顾之忧           ■体积小巧,功能强,携带方便
■Pin 脚自动检测,提供实时侦测信息   ■支持 In-circuit programming (ISP)
■通过 USB Hub 可并连多台机器量产烧录■提供详尽的实时帮助文档和相关的 IC 资料
■可测试 TTL/CMOS 的逻辑 IC 和 Memories
◆ ELNEC 基于 Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP 界面的新的兼容 USB 的通用烧录器首要成员,能很好地满足发展的社会对于快速和可靠性通用编程器的要求.
◆ 在没有一系列具体 MODULE 的情况下,能支持各种类型、当今的和未来的可烧写设备的硅技术.为设备能自由选择最佳设计.通过使用 ISP 连接器,在电路板上,编程器能烧写支持 ISP 芯片.
◆ BeeProg 不仅是一个烧写器,而且还能测试 TTL/COMS 逻辑 IC 和内存.此外,它允许使用者使用一系列的测试方式 .
提供非常有竞争力的价格,为可靠烧写外加卓越的硬件设计,在这方面是性价比最好的烧写器 .
由于高速 FPGA 硬件驱动和烧写器内部时序程序运行,有着非常快的烧写速度.从这点上说至少比同类竞争品要快,对于许多芯片的烧写速度,也要比同类竞争品要快.因此 , 在烧录座上当要生产时,只要等待操作 , 而不像其它的完整操作方式.
◆ BeeProg 通过 USB(2.0/1.1) 口或者任何标准并行(打印机)口就能连接 IBM 486 以上的 PC 、手提式的、个人桌面电脑.编程器也支持 IEEE1284(ECP/EPP) 高速并口。支持选择的 USB/LPT 口连 BeeProg 到任一PC, 包括从最近的笔记本电脑到没有 USB 口的旧的桌面型电脑
◆ FPGA 基于 48 个强有力的 TTL pin 驱动,为每一个测试座上的 pin 脚提供 High/Low/Pullup/Pulldown/read 功能.先进的驱动技术结合高速高质线路的可靠性能.最低支持电压低至 1.8v,因此您可以用它烧录当前世界上所有流行的低压器件.
◆ 烧录器提供插入测试和接触测试在进行烧录之前,并可以防止因放置不当接触不好造成的芯片损坏.这些性能通过过流保护和流量检查因误操作阻止芯片损坏.
◆ 内嵌的保护电路能消除烧写器的损坏或因环境或误操作损坏烧写器.BeeProg 烧写器的所有输入,包括 ZIF 测试座,连接到 PC 机的先进的驱动技术提供高速高质的可靠性能.最低支持电压低至 1.8v, 因此您可以用它烧录当前世界上所有流行的低压器件.
◆ 烧录器提供接触测试在进行烧录之前,并可以防止因放置不当造成的芯片损坏.这些通过过流保护和流量检测阻止因误操作损坏芯片.
◆ 内嵌的保护电路能消除烧写器的损害或者因环境或误操作的烧录器的损害.BeeProg 烧录器的所有输入,包括 ZIF 测试座、连接 PC 的、供电,都被保护 , 防止 ECD 上升到 15KV.BeeProg 烧录器执行边沿级别的电压烧录校验,这样能明显的提供烧录领域,保持长数据.
◆ 这款烧录器容易使用并进行控制,具备下拉菜单,快捷键和在线帮助.选择器件可以通过选择分类,制造厂商,型号,序列号等多种方法进行.
◆ 相关的标准烧录操作命令 (read, blank check, program, verify, erase),还有一些测试功能(插入测试,流量检测),也包括一些额外的功能如 (autoincrement,product 模式 - 在插入芯片以后立刻开始烧).
◆ 支持所有已知的数据格式,当导入文件时能自动识别并转换合适的文件格式.
◆ 自动递增烧录功能可以在每一颗 IC 中分配不同的序列号 , 也可以简单的递增序列号 , 也可以选择从用户自己的文件读取序列号.烧录器软体提供详尽的 IC 讯息包括画的各种有用的封装,芯片标签的说明 (前缀和后缀的意思).
◆ 烧录器软体提供详尽的 ISP 讯息,包括为当前所选 IC 的 ISP 接口定义,IC 周边电路建议设计,以及其它必要讯息.通过其它应用命令使用 BAT 或 DLL 文件 , 远程控制允许 PG4UW 软体流控制.JEDEC 标准的 JESD-71 中的 Jam 文件通过 Jam Player 说明,通过各自烧写器的厂商提供的设计软件产生 Jam 文件.芯片在 ZIF 座或 ISP 连接器 (IEEE1149.1 JTAG 接口)烧录.
◆ VME 文件通过 VME Player 说明.VME 文件是一个关于 SVF 文件压缩的二进制变异,包含高层 IEEE 1149.1 总线实施.通过各自烧写器的厂商提供的设计软件产生 VME 文件.芯片在 ZIF 座或 ISP 连接器(IEEE1149.1 JTAG 接口)烧录.通过 JTAG 链 (ISP-Jam 或 ISP-VME) 多个设备有可能烧写和检测.
◆ 一个强有力的多烧写程序能实现在同一台PC(通过USB口)上连接多个 BeeProg 烧写器,支持许多芯片,正如单一 BeeProg 烧录器所支持的,同时也不会明显的降低烧录速度.众所周知,协作的多烧录 - 每一烧录器能独立工作,每一烧录器也能烧录不同的芯片.
· It is important to remember, that a support of most of the new devices requires only a software update , because the BeeProg is truly a universal programmer. With our prompt service you can have new device added to the list of supported devices within hours! See AlgOR (Algorithm On Request) service for details.
· Free software updates are available by download from our WEB site.
· Keep-Current and AlgOR services, our next step towards customer satisfaction.
  • Keep-Current service means, that ELNEC ships the latest version of programmer software and updated user documentation (Keep-Current package) to customer . The Keep-Current service is your hassle-free guarantee that you achieving the highest quality programming on ELNEC programmers, at minimal cost.
  • AlgOR (Algorithm On Request) service gives the user a tool to influence amount and types of programmed devices as needed.
· Advanced design of the BeeProg programmer, including protective circuits, original brand components, and careful manufacturing and burning allows us to provide a three-year warranty on parts and labor for the programmer (limited 25 000-cycle warranty on ZIF sockets).
SpecificationHARDWAREBase unit, DACs
· USB 2.0 port
· FPGA based IEEE 1284 slave printer port, up to 1MB/s transfer rate
· on-board intelligence: powerful microprocessor and FPGA based state machine
· three D/A converters for VCCP, VPP1, and VPP2, controllable rise and fall time
· VCCP range 0..8V/1A
· VPP1, VPP2 range 0..26V/1A
· autocalibration
· selftest capability
· protection against surge and ESD on power supply input, parallel port connection
ZIF socket, pindriver
· 48-pin DIL ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) socket accepts both 300/600 mil devices up to 48-pin
· pindrivers: 48 universal
· VCCP/VPP1/VPP2 can be connected to each pin
· perfect ground for each pin
· FPGA based TTL driver provides H, L, CLK, pull-up, pull-down on all pindriver pins
· analog pindriver output level selectable from 1.8 V up to 26V
· current limitation, overcurrent shutdown, power failure shutdown
· ESD protection on each pin of socket (IEC1000-4-2: 15kV air, 8kV contact)
· continuity test: each pin is tested before every programming operation
ISP connector
  • 10-pin male type with missinsertion lock
  • 5 TTL pindrivers, provides H, L, CLK, pull-up, pull-down; level H selectable from 1.8V up to 5V to handle all (low-voltage including) devices.
  • 1x VCCP voltage (range 2V..7V/100mA), can be applied to pins 1, 3
  • programmed chip voltage (VCCP) with both source/sink capability and voltage sense
  • 1x VPP voltage (range 2V..25V/50mA), can be applied to pins 2,3,4,6,8,10
  • target system supply voltage (range 2V..6V/250mA)
DEVICE SUPPORTProgrammer, in ZIF socket
· EPROM: NMOS/CMOS, 2708*, 27xxx and 27Cxxx series, with 8/16 bit data width, full support for LV series
· EEPROM: NMOS/CMOS, 28xxx, 28Cxxx, 27EExxx series, with 8/16 bit data width
· Flash EPROM: 28Fxxx, 29Cxxx, 29Fxxx, 29BVxxx, 29LVxxx, 29Wxxx, 49Fxxx series, from 256Kbit to 32Mbit, with 8/16 bit data width, full support for LV series
· Serial E(E)PROM: 24Cxxx, 24Fxxx, 25Cxxx, 45Dxxx, 59Cxxx, 25Fxxx, 25Pxxx, 85xxx, 93Cxxx, NVM3060, MDAxxx series, full support for LV series
· Configuration (EE)PROM: XCFxxx, XC17xxxx, XC18Vxxx, EPCxxx, AT17xxx, 37LVxx
· 1-Wire E(E)PROM: DS1xxx, DS2xxx
· PROM: AMD, Harris, National, Philips/Signetics, Tesla, TI
· NV RAM: Dallas DSxxx, SGS/Inmos MKxxx, SIMTEK STKxxx, XICOR 2xxx, ZMD U63x series
· PLD: Altera: MAX 3000A, MAX 7000A, MAX 7000B, MAX 7000S, MAX7000AE
· PLD: Lattice: ispGAL22V10x, ispLSI1xxx, ispLSI1xxxEA, ispLSI2xxx, ispLSI2xxxA, ispLSI2xxxE, ispLSI2xxxV, ispLSI2xxxVE, ispLSI2xxxVL, LC4xxxB/C/V/ZC, M4-xx/xx, M4A3-xx/xx, M4A5-xx/xx, M4LV-xx/xx
· PLD: Xilinx: XC9500, XC9500XL, XC9500XV, CoolRunner XPLA3, CoolRunner-II
· other PLD: SPLD/CPLD series: AMI, Atmel, AMD-Vantis, Gould, Cypress, ICT, Lattice, NS, Philips, STM, VLSI, TI
· Microcontrollers 48 series: 87x41, 87x42, 87x48, 87x49, 87x50 series
· Microcontrollers 51 series: 87xx, 87Cxxx, 87LVxx, 89Cxxx, 89Sxxx, 89LVxxx, all manufacturers, Philips LPC series
· Microcontrollers Intel 196 series: 87C196 KB/KC/KD/KT/KR/...
· Microcontrollers Atmel AVR: AT90Sxxxx, ATtiny, ATmega series
· Microcontrollers Cypress: CY8Cxxxxx
· Microcontrollers ELAN: EM78Pxxx
· Microcontrollers Microchip PICmicro: PIC10xxx, PIC12xxx, PIC16xxx, PIC17Cxxx, PIC18xxx, dsPIC series
· Microcontrollers Motorola: 68HC05, 68HC08, 68HC11 series
· Microcontrollers National: COP8xxx series
· Microcontrollers NEC: uPD78Pxxx series
· Microcontrollers Scenix (Ubicom): SXxxx series
· Microcontrollers SGS-Thomson: ST6xx, ST7xx, ST10xx series
· Microcontrollers TI: MSP430 and MSC121x series
· Microcontrollers ZILOG: Z86/Z89xxx and Z8xxx series
· Microcontrollers other: EM Microelectronic, Fujitsu, Goal Semiconductor, Hitachi, Holtek, Princeton, Macronix, Winbond, Infineon(Siemens), NEC, Samsung, Toshiba, ...
Programmer, through ISP connector
· Serial E(E)PROM: IIC series
· Microcontrollers Atmel: AT89Sxxx, AT90Sxxxx, ATtiny, ATmega series
· Microcontrollers Cypress: CY8C2xxxx
· Microcontrollers Elan: EM78Pxxx
· Microcontrollers EM Microelectronic: 4 and 8 bit series
· Microcontrollers Microchip PICmicro: PIC10xxx, PIC12xxx, PIC16xxx, PIC17xxx, PIC18xxx, dsPIC series
· Microcontrollers Motorola/Freescale: HC08 GT, LJ, QY, QT series
· Microcontrollers Philips: LPC series
· Microcontrollers TI: MSP430
· PLD: Lattice: ispGAL22xV10x, ispLSI1xxxEA, ispLSI2xxxE, ispLSI2xxxV, ispLSI2xxxVE, ispLSI2xxxVL, M4-xx/xx, M4LV-xx/xx, M4A3-xx/xx, M4A5-xx/xx, LC4xxxB/C/V/ZC
· Various PLD (also by JAM player/JTAG support):
Altera: MAX 3000A, MAX 7000A, MAX 7000B, MAX 7000S, MAX 9000, MAX II
Xilinx: XC9500, XC9500XL, XC9500XV, CoolRunner XPLA3, CoolRunner-II
  • devices marked * are obsolete, programming with additional module
  • for all supported devices see actual DEVICE LIST
I.C. Tester
· TTL type: 54,74 S/LS/ALS/H/HC/HCT series
· CMOS type: 4000, 4500 series
· Static RAM: 6116 .. 624000
· User definable test pattern generation
Package support
· package support includes DIP, PLCC, SOIC, PSOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSSOP, TQFP, QFN (MLF), SDIP, BGA and other
· support all devices in DIP with default socket
· support devices in non-DIP packages up to 48 pins with universal adapters
· programmer is compatible with third-party adapters for non-DIP support
Programming speedNotes:

· It is important to know, we always use random numbers pattern for programming speed testing. Some our competitors use "sparse" pattern, where only few non-Blak data are programmed or are there are used data with only few 0 bits (FE, EF, etc.). This cheating approach can "decrease" programming time considerable. If you plan to compare, ask always which pattern they use.
· The programming speed depends on PC speed only slightly.

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